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The first stage of labor pains: opening of the cervix
Initially, contractions are not uncommon. Every half hour or income in this neighborhood and it takes about a minute. Gradually louder and more are frequent.
At the beginning of the contraction of helping your body is the best way to stretch and try to relax. At this stage, there is the relaxing effect of pain relief methods such as a warm bath or massage. a method can be applied as epidural pain relief after your doctor will suggest.
When pains come to a most severe contractions begin coming every two minutes and lasts for about one and a half minutes. The travails of this first stage for the first time mothers who usually takes between 9 to 15 hours. The longest opening the first five centimeters.
The second stage of labor pains: Push and birth
When the cervix is 10 centimeters opened covering the push with the contractions came time to start the next stage.
During the first stage, the baby has moved into the birth canal. When the baby's head reaches the pelvic floor and is based on the rectum, you will feel as if he wanted to push.
It; if it feels like you're great to make your toilet.
You pushing, the baby helps her head. Pelvic floor pushing creates contractions. Birth length of the second phase of pain is affected by many factors, such as how tired or how relieved mother.
This stage ends with a miracle. If your baby is born. When your baby is born, the pain will cease immediately. The majority of mothers feel confused both relieved. Then begins the third and final stage of birth pains.
The third stage of labor pains: birthed the placenta
At this stage, the placenta separated from the uterus to the uterine wall and begins after about 10 minutes (even compared with the contraction contractions've lived just), and must be helped to push the placenta.
Your doctor will examine the placenta and be absolutely sure that this is very important. If a piece remains in the uterus, inflammation and bleeding occurs.
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