Mariana blogger

20 Eylül 2016 Salı


Pregnancy the egg cell taken from the woman's ovaries from the male sperm fertilize as soon as it starts. Baby, this is the 8th time in the period until the end of the week, the embryo is called after week 8. In the period leading up to the birth of the fetus.

The embryo, from the moment it settled layer of the uterus the endometrium name (fertilization settles after 5-6 days) HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) called the pregnancy hormone begins to be secreted by cells surrounding the embryo. Pregnancy test basis is the determination of the pregnancy hormone.

Β-hCG blood pregnancy progresses, increasingly, started to appear in the urine after exceeding a certain threshold level and allows the urine pregnancy test is positive,. Kant made the pregnancy test also detects the amount of B-hCG in the blood. His blood test, even without further delay units can detect the presence or absence of pregnancy. Urine testing can not reach never reliability of the blood test. When the urine pregnancy test detected the presence of errors is unlikely; But when the absence of the possibility of early detection pregnancy test should be repeated after a while, considering. (It may not show in early pregnancy urine pregnancy test. This may be the case with a very low probability for a blood test.)

Kant viewed beta-HCG hormone, can not be seen with the urine test revealed the absence or ultrasound addition to its use in the detection of pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, molar pregnancy (grape also known as pregnancy) as conditions of use in the diagnosis and follow-up is a valuable test. Blood pregnancy test and B-can be found by clicking here detailed information about the HCG hormone.

gebelik testi, hamilelik testi
Urine pregnancy test gives results after how the relationship?
just can not result in the days after intercourse pregnancy test in the urine. Usually wait until the total delay to give accurate test results you need to do in those days.

This is because: urine pregnancy test from maternal blood HCG pregnancy-induced hormone based on the detection result of passing urine urine logic. relationship entered in the days close to ovulation when pregnancy can occur with that. The day of ovulation occurred close relationship to those of a pregnancy has occurred even so much progress in the uterus for pregnancy and uterus to settle 6 - lasts up to 10 days. After settling into the uterus to release the pregnancy hormone HCG can pass into the mother's blood. Even after pregnancy, the mother's blood, this hormone implants in the uterus and to go from there to the mother's urine may also take a few days. If all of them in short time of ovulation due to the close relationship entered after pregnancy occurs to pass urine secreted by the mother of the pregnancy hormone hCG is bound to pass the time until almost 15 days. This corresponds to the next menstrual period, pregnancy that occurred in the time corresponds to the number of delayed accordingly.

That's why pregnancy is suspected to occur in the urine pregnancy test delayed menstruation is entered into a relationship that should be done when. In this test, in terms of reliability it does not appear to increase the pregnancy test should be repeated after 1 week. If such test günenilirlig of 90% in the first test a second test is made as high as 95%.

Testing positive (there are pregnancy) showing a negative (no pregnancy) are günenil than the show. However, you should also consult a doctor if you show any kind of test pieces show what the delay because even if the test pregnancy Although this may not be a normal pregnancy can be ectopic pregnancy. Although you may be pregnant without realizing it, even if no pregnancy test.

The ultrasound diagnosis of pregnancy:
Piece ie vaginal ultrasound pregnancy gestational sac is visible when the 5-week delayed a week; When viewed from the abdomen (abdominal) can be seen with ultrasound for pregnancy must be at least 6 weeks, that number will need 2 weeks delay.
Blood pregnancy test (BHCG) value of the pregnancy sac seen by transvaginal ultrasound reaches 1500. BHCG value reaches 2000-3000 abdominal ultrasound made visible gestational sac is not visible before.
A positive pregnancy test is conclusive evidence of the presence in the body of pregnancy but the pregnancy may not be a normal pregnancy, the uterus inside or outside (ectopic pregnancy) may be. can only be detected by ultrasound whether it is in the uterus during pregnancy, it can not determine pregnancy tests in urine or blood.

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