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21 Eylül 2016 Çarşamba

How then begin again from birth My Number?

After birth, breastfeeding women menstruation is generally delayed until 6 months if it begins after 1-2 months.

How low do I then can stay pregnant again?

After low for people who have low protection önerilil 3 months, you can keep pregnant later.


(Single Umbilical Artery - SUA)

Normally the umbilical cord (umbilical cord, funis) has 3 vessels. Two of them that umbilical artery is the artery. It is one that collects the umbikal and vessels. The first stage consists in the fact that the fetus has a right and left 2 umbilical vein but right umbilical vein disappears and only left umbilical vein.

Normally, arteries in the human body (arteries) and clean the blood that carry oxygen-rich blood from food, collect blood vessels (veins) that carry blood contaminated blood containing carbon dioxide and waste materials. This is contrary umbilical cord in the fetus. Umbilical artery carries blood to the placenta to the fetus dirty, clean umbilical vein carries blood from the placenta to the fetus. There is a also a so-called single umbilical artery, umbilical artery and umbilical cord blood in case.

Single umbilical artery in 1% of all births in the singular presence is found in 5% of twins. It is not known exactly why it occurs.

Which cases are more common?
- In the presence of maternal diabetes and preeclampsia
- Olgihodramnios in the presence polhidramnios
- Chromosomal abnormalities that pregnancy
- Twin pregnancies
- More common in female babies
- More common in twin pregnancies
- Were advanced maternal age
- Multiparity

Gone in 2 instead of 3 recognizable by ultrasound cord vessels normally seen and monitoring of large arteries. Color Doppler ultrasound to be seen to be monitored by a single artery and bladder of the fetus is only one side of the artery.

What is the importance of having a single umbilical artery?
Single umbilical artery of the fetus has been reported that 20-30% accompanied by a number of other anomalies. These heart defects, abnormalities of the digestive system, kidney and brain abnormalities such as various anomalies. Single umbilical artery most watched chromosomal abnormalities associated with trisomy is 18. before or after birth due to this anomaly is observed mortality rate of 10-20%. growth retardation observed in 15-20% of fetuses during pregnancy.
Single umbilical artery and lower risk of premature birth has increased.
Almost half of single umbilical artery of the fetus which is born completely healthy and without any anomalies.

follow-up of pregnancy:
When the single umbilical artery diagnosed during pregnancy should investigate whether the absolute accompanied by other anomalies. Fetal echocardiography should be performed. If accompanied by other abnormalities can be detected by amniocentesis for fetal chromosomal abnormalities and chromosomal analysis research. Although there are other low risk of chromosomal abnormalities not detected anomalies with the family discussed the risks of amniocentesis to be decided. Fetal growth retardation should be monitored by ultrasound measurements in terms of the formation. After the birth, "kidney" to do ultrasound to investigate the anomaly is recommended.

Cystic hygroma

Cystic hygroma (cystic hygroma) in a defect in the lymphatic system, cystic due to the accumulation of fluid under the skin in the neck area due to congestion do occur.

Cystic hygroma mainly including Turner syndrome (45, X0) is Youssou possibility of coexistence with different chromosomal disorders. Chromosomal abnormalities found in about half of cases. Therefore, amniocentesis or fetal blood sampling fetus with chromosomal analysis should be performed. No other abnormalities of the possibility of cystic hygroma detected, the fetus is high.

Treatment is not a problem and possible death often occurs in the womb. Large cystic hygroma and septal studies, fetal hydrops in the accompanying fate will be worse. Sometimes cystic hygroma is seen that improved over time. After the birth of the baby that is completely it can also lead a normal life.

The risk of aneuploidy is the most commonly associated with cystic hygroma anomalies. Yaklalık are chromosomal abnormalities in 70%. Cystic hygroma Umeda most common chromosomal anomalies Turner syndrome (45, X0) d. Cystic hygroma detected in the first trimester studies trisomy 21 it is more common.

Cordocentesis (CORD BLOOD COLLECTION from)


Cordocentesis entering into the uterus with pregnancy with a special needle through the abdominal wall is taken from the baby's umbilical cord blood. a small amount of blood is taken up 2-3 milliliters of cordocentesis.
Taken blood karyotyping baby's genetic research that can be done to further assess whether affected or how the baby's blood incompatibility to investigate some infections. If still lead to anemia, blood disorders in infants, unborn babies Cordocentesis method can also be done with a blood transfusion.
(Also abbreviated as PUBS: Percutaneous umbilical cord blood sampling)

Umbilical vein (umbilical cord is collected in vessels) of large diameter, wall thickness of less composed and arterial (arteries) umbilical and fetal bradycardia initiatives is preferable to a higher rate of interest due to the initiative. If possible the entry of the first strand of the placenta is preferably made from a free bead portion is not possible. Kordosenteztez after blood incompatibility in families with blood incompatibility (anti-D) injection is made.

When are Cordocentesis?
Usually 18 to 20. and after weeks of gestation until delivery can be made every month. Not only in twin pregnancies can be administered in single pregnancies, cordocentesis.

Cordocentesis apply in which situations?
- Ultrasonography doubt the presence of abnormalities in the baby (this is the most common cause of cordocentesis)
- Determination of high risk in screening tests
- To give clear results of other diagnostic methods
- Failure of culture in amniocentesis
- Apply now for prenatal diagnostic methods the family
- The evaluation of some infectious diseases (toxoplasma, rubella)
- Not affected by the presence of blood incompatibility
- Baby in the presence of anemia
- Advanced maternal age
- Have retarded development in the womb the baby
- Oligo (for lack of baby juice)
- Before giving birth to abnormal babies
- Parental balanced translocation

According to other prenatal diagnostic methods can lead to more serious complications chordocentesis. A process according to amniocentesis is more difficult.

What are the risks Cordocentesis?
After application, the slowdown in the baby's heartbeat, premature birth, the water coming, infection, problems such as bruising can be seen in the umbilical cord. bleeding into the amniotic fluid may occur. The risk of losing the baby in Cordocentesis application is about 1-5%. Mother related infections may be risks such as bleeding. Therefore, fever in the days following the operation, chills, water coming, vaginal bleeding, pain, should consult a doctor immediately in the presence of contraction.

The needle directly harm the baby is unlikely situation in practice. That is not a situation such as needle-stick injury to the baby and it is rare to be called because it is made by observing all ultrasound-guided procedures. But the baby's heartbeat after taking blood from the cord deterioration and the risk of dying babies are about 1-5 per cent rate.

How Cordocentesis?
Operations performed ultrasound examination is performed as in the supine position. baby by ultrasound and observing cord with a needle extending inside the uterus is taken from umbilical cord blood in small amounts. It is a process which lasted approximately 10-15 minutes. After the procedure the patient can go home a few hours of rest. After a few days the patient is recommended to refrain from excessive strenuous activity. If blood incompatibility between parents needle made of blood incompatibility.
approximately one week after the procedure and informed the family becomes obvious by the results. As a result of chromosomal abnormalities incompatible with life Cordocentesis baby in the family diagnosed cases of pregnancy termination options are available.

When interest the results of Cordocentesis application? Is it safe?
conclude an average of 7-10 days after cordocentesis. Cordocentesis genetic analysis procedures give results very close to certain as the amniocentesis. mixing of blood taken from the mother cell mosaicism in situations like having babies rarely cause misdiagnosis. Approximately 99% said that give reliable results for the intended disease. all genetic diseases with Cordocentesis undetectable. May not be obtained after cordocentesis culture, then the examination can be made. Culture is reported failure rate of approximately 10-15% in different centers.

Cleft lip - palate

Cleft palate - during development in the womb, the baby's lips occurs because of defects that occur in the combination of the structure in the face. 700-1000 pregnancy 1 is seen in. It could be together as cleft lip and palate could be individually. Genetic factors Although there is no exact cause of this condition, environmental factors, non-alcohol is used during pregnancy, certain medications, infections, for reasons such as folic acid and vitamin B deficiency can lead to this condition.

a number of other body abnormalities in babies born with a cleft lip-palate may also be part of the agreement. Therefore, a thorough physical examination should be done after birth to this baby.

Cleft lip sucking babies can be fed breast without encountering a serious shortage in the normal way. But there is a problem in feeding the baby cleft palate. These babies have difficulty sucking the breast; It can clog the airways of the baby during feeding; The milk is milk flowing from the nose or throat to escape it can absorb faced with such situations.
Cleft palate in babies expressed milk from the mother's breast feed the most appropriate method is to give a soft bottle-fed babies. These children frequently upper respiratory tract infections, otitis media seen. In these cases, treatment of ear, nose and throat specialists should be ensured.

2,5-3 months cleft lip, cleft palate 6 months - 1 year of age should be between surgery while. If the union cleft lip and cleft lip and palate at 3 months, 1 year old should be operated cleft palate.

For cleft palate that will be speech disorders in children, these children must be operated before you start talking. Postoperative children may need speech therapy to get help from speech therapists in these cases.


Among the people that abortion after pregnancy heed either to stay or called as part of the uterus are not fully cleaned condition (medically rest is called) it is the state remains in the womb of a portion of conception. After the abortion procedure rarely gestational sac, placenta, or they may remain in the uterus, usually a small part.

In case the symptoms remain part:
Normally, that termination of pregnancy is reduced gradually bleeding within a few days after the abortion process and cut a small amount of bleeding will be much less than 1 week. But that does not diminish in the next few days rest if they remain part of the abortion bleeding and sometimes even increased. Patients may notice that the pieces clots or excessive bleeding is reduced. Sometimes patients can reduce minor or a major part. Pain may take longer than normal if they remain part Although it is usually 1-2 days after the abortion and menstruation may cramp-like pain. Have pain or excessive bleeding is not required to keep track and although sometimes they are not only detected incidentally in control.

To remain a part of any post-abortion patients develop against the possibility of infection or other complications often called to check examination 1 week after abortion. If it is determined to remain part of the ultrasound and again with a slight interference (usually vacuum abortion) received the remaining part. In some cases, medication can be given. The remaining part is shorter and simpler process compared to the process of obtaining an abortion procedure, usually so patient receiving anesthesia. not necessary. hatsalık as long as women remain part noticing cleaned pieces on topics such order or get pregnant it does not create any inconvenience.

BIRTH (Congenital) DEFECTS

Approximately 3-5% of newborn babies in the various structural anomalies (anomaly = unusual structural feature) is encountered. With advancing technology is sometimes possible to detect abnormalities at an early stage, it anomalies incompatible with life rather than allow babies to more growth is possible to terminate the pregnancy.

There is no risk factor in many infants with congenital disorders. Nevertheless increases the risk of the presence of certain factors:
- Family or personal history of birth defects
- Previous children have birth defects
- The use of certain drugs during pregnancy formation
- 35 years later pregnancies

However, it is impossible to determine the overall problem is unnecessary. Because a significant number of congenital anomalies does not create any negativity, problems are corrected. Early detection of possible anomalies incompatible with life principles on ultrasound, so to be able to provide mothers and families of the less wear as much as possible in every sense.

Diaphragmatic Hernia: the abdomen and chest cavity of the organ in the abdominal cavity due to a defect in the diaphragm separates the chest cavity from each other, it is partly a case of herniation. Defect weight determines the size of the abdominal organs into the chest cavity. Almost all of the many congenital abnormalities is likely to be with anomalous vardir.En system, reproductive system, skeletal system and kidneys, bladder problems of post-operative patients with moderate çıkar.hafif anomalilerininh weeks all of them living without sequelae may be possible.

Adenoid cystic congenital malformation: an emerging disease by the presence of cysts in the lungs without the normal anatomy. Often the diagnosis is put after birth and can be treated surgically. If adenoid cystic ultrasound development is followed by serial sonographic malformation detected if, when fetal hydrops are the first signs emerged of birth should be performed and surgical treatment should be applied.

NERVOUS SYSTEM anomalilerimerkez nervous system of postnatal treatment of a portion of some of the anomalies that occur in the life incompatible may be possible.
Hydrocephalus is the brains of the space in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is considered among the thousand increase in frequency durumudur.görül 0.3-0.5. Hydrocephalus can occur for various reasons and the cases of other anomalies are found in the central nervous system and other systems in up to half. The enlargement of the lateral ventricles detected by ultrasonography.
Holoprosencephaly: the brain and the eyes are usually very severe developmental disorder. Incompatible with life and not being able to treat the early diagnosis of these anomalies is very important. It is recommended to terminate the pregnancy to the family.
Aqueductal Canal Stenosis (Aquaductal stenosis) of the cerebrospinal fluid caused by preventing the circulation as described above, constitutes the majority of hydrocephalus. Infection may be due to genetic reasons or tumor formation. Pregnancy can also occur in later periods. Babies born with this problem regulating the circulation of CSF Shunt surgery after birth usually benefit.
Dandy-Walker syndrome: affect the development of the cerebellum, which is an anomaly and generally poor prognosis. The section of the cerebellum called the vermis untraceable and 4 izlenir.18 significant expansion in the ventricle. weeks before the diagnosis is usually not possible. Some cases may be asymptomatic at birth, but at 75% until the age of 3 cases of severe hydrocephalus occurs. termination of pregnancy when these babies are determined Dandy Walker malformation is not possible to live a normal life is the most appropriate option.
Arnold Chiari Malformation: Cerebellum's skull in Subpart 'foramen magnum' name appears in the right place değiştirmesisonuc given space. When a heavy anomalidir.saptan should be advised to terminate the pregnancy.
Agenesi the Corpus Callosum: the corpus callosum in the brain is not possible to determine early pregnancy yapıdır.koordinasyo combining both a half and my sağlar.oluşu be forwarded to each half of the brain nerve impulses that partly occurs in the later stages.
Encephalocele: Skull bones are normally out of the neural tissue of the herniated opening must absences. Usually with some other anomalies. Determine the size of brain tissue affected by the events of the prognosis of the table.

Statistics related to congenital defects:
Between 2004-2006 the rates of 21 common birth defects:
Anencephaly: 4859 has seen the birth of a
Spina bifida (without anencephaly): 2858
Encephalocele: 12235
Anofltalm in / Microphthalmos: 5349
Truncus arteriosus (Common trunk): 13 876
Transposition of the great arteries: 3333
Tetralogy of Fallot: 2518
ASD: 2122
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome: 4344
Cleft palate: 1574
Tomorrow lip (cleft palate or not included): 940
Esophageal atresia / Transözogageal fistula: 4608
Rectal or bowel atresia, stenosis: 2138
Upper limb deformity (Reduction deformity): 2869
Defosmite the lower extremity (Reduction deformity): 5949
Gastroschisis: 2229
Omphalocele: 5386
Diaphragmatic hernia: 3836
Trisomy 13: 7906
Trisomy 21: 691
Trisomy 18: 3762

- In IVF and ICSI pregnancies obtained by assisted reproductive techniques, such as the incidence of congenital anomalies it is higher. In normal pregnancy, major congenital anomalies, while the rate of 3 per cent, assisted reproductive techniques of births occur with increases to 9 percent.
- Major konkenital anomaly: Vital that can create danger or are congenital anomalies requiring surgical procedures for correction. In all major congenital birth rate is about 3%. Minor is closer to 10 percent rate of congenital anomalies.

BIRTH (Congenital) DEFECTS

Approximately 3-5% of newborn babies in the various structural anomalies (anomaly = unusual structural feature) is encountered. With advancing technology is sometimes possible to detect abnormalities at an early stage, it anomalies incompatible with life rather than allow babies to more growth is possible to terminate the pregnancy.

There is no risk factor in many infants with congenital disorders. Nevertheless increases the risk of the presence of certain factors:
- Family or personal history of birth defects
- Previous children have birth defects
- The use of certain drugs during pregnancy formation
- 35 years later pregnancies

However, it is impossible to determine the overall problem is unnecessary. Because a significant number of congenital anomalies does not create any negativity, problems are corrected. Early detection of possible anomalies incompatible with life principles on ultrasound, so to be able to provide mothers and families of the less wear as much as possible in every sense.

Diaphragmatic Hernia: the abdomen and chest cavity of the organ in the abdominal cavity due to a defect in the diaphragm separates the chest cavity from each other, it is partly a case of herniation. Defect weight determines the size of the abdominal organs into the chest cavity. Almost all of the many congenital abnormalities is likely to be with anomalous vardir.En system, reproductive system, skeletal system and kidneys, bladder problems of post-operative patients with moderate çıkar.hafif anomalilerininh weeks all of them living without sequelae may be possible.

Adenoid cystic congenital malformation: an emerging disease by the presence of cysts in the lungs without the normal anatomy. Often the diagnosis is put after birth and can be treated surgically. If adenoid cystic ultrasound development is followed by serial sonographic malformation detected if, when fetal hydrops are the first signs emerged of birth should be performed and surgical treatment should be applied.

NERVOUS SYSTEM anomalilerimerkez nervous system of postnatal treatment of a portion of some of the anomalies that occur in the life incompatible may be possible.
Hydrocephalus is the brains of the space in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is considered among the thousand increase in frequency durumudur.görül 0.3-0.5. Hydrocephalus can occur for various reasons and the cases of other anomalies are found in the central nervous system and other systems in up to half. The enlargement of the lateral ventricles detected by ultrasonography.
Holoprosencephaly: the brain and the eyes are usually very severe developmental disorder. Incompatible with life and not being able to treat the early diagnosis of these anomalies is very important. It is recommended to terminate the pregnancy to the family.
Aqueductal Canal Stenosis (Aquaductal stenosis) of the cerebrospinal fluid caused by preventing the circulation as described above, constitutes the majority of hydrocephalus. Infection may be due to genetic reasons or tumor formation. Pregnancy can also occur in later periods. Babies born with this problem regulating the circulation of CSF Shunt surgery after birth usually benefit.
Dandy-Walker syndrome: affect the development of the cerebellum, which is an anomaly and generally poor prognosis. The section of the cerebellum called the vermis untraceable and 4 izlenir.18 significant expansion in the ventricle. weeks before the diagnosis is usually not possible. Some cases may be asymptomatic at birth, but at 75% until the age of 3 cases of severe hydrocephalus occurs. termination of pregnancy when these babies are determined Dandy Walker malformation is not possible to live a normal life is the most appropriate option.
Arnold Chiari Malformation: Cerebellum's skull in Subpart 'foramen magnum' name appears in the right place değiştirmesisonuc given space. When a heavy anomalidir.saptan should be advised to terminate the pregnancy.
Agenesi the Corpus Callosum: the corpus callosum in the brain is not possible to determine early pregnancy yapıdır.koordinasyo combining both a half and my sağlar.oluşu be forwarded to each half of the brain nerve impulses that partly occurs in the later stages.
Encephalocele: Skull bones are normally out of the neural tissue of the herniated opening must absences. Usually with some other anomalies. Determine the size of brain tissue affected by the events of the prognosis of the table.

Statistics related to congenital defects:
Between 2004-2006 the rates of 21 common birth defects:
Anencephaly: 4859 has seen the birth of a
Spina bifida (without anencephaly): 2858
Encephalocele: 12235
Anofltalm in / Microphthalmos: 5349
Truncus arteriosus (Common trunk): 13 876
Transposition of the great arteries: 3333
Tetralogy of Fallot: 2518
ASD: 2122
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome: 4344
Cleft palate: 1574
Tomorrow lip (cleft palate or not included): 940
Esophageal atresia / Transözogageal fistula: 4608
Rectal or bowel atresia, stenosis: 2138
Upper limb deformity (Reduction deformity): 2869
Defosmite the lower extremity (Reduction deformity): 5949
Gastroschisis: 2229
Omphalocele: 5386
Diaphragmatic hernia: 3836
Trisomy 13: 7906
Trisomy 21: 691
Trisomy 18: 3762

- In IVF and ICSI pregnancies obtained by assisted reproductive techniques, such as the incidence of congenital anomalies it is higher. In normal pregnancy, major congenital anomalies, while the rate of 3 per cent, assisted reproductive techniques of births occur with increases to 9 percent.
- Major konkenital anomaly: Vital that can create danger or are congenital anomalies requiring surgical procedures for correction. In all major congenital birth rate is about 3%. Minor is closer to 10 percent rate of congenital anomalies.


dorla in pregnancy tests (Quadruple Test) is a test that is completely made for the same purpose but the triple test with a higher success than triple test. The detection rate of Down syndrome babies in the quadruple test is 80%. From maternal blood tests to evaluate triple B-hCG and free estriol (UE3), and in addition to the quadruple test AFP levels of inhibin-A levels also increases the success of the test to join the formula. This is due to name four test substances measured in the mother's blood all over, just as it was in the double and triple test. just as with the regular blood test from the mother of a small amount of blood Alinari quadruple screening assessment is made.

Trisomy 21 and 18 mental retardation, heart defects and other diseases that are organ abnormalities. This is also why it's called testing the intelligence test, quadruple test is not a test that measures the baby's intelligence level.

ie two tests in the first trimester screening test between 11-14 weeks, those taking the combined test and NT measurement, the quadruple test is the best test can be recommended for those who missed the later time.

Quartet for risk assessment based on the test results:
Just as in the quadruple test in the triple test my sednro Down (trisomy 21), Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18) and neural tube defect risk assessment is made of the anomaly. You can see the triple test article for more information. The only difference is higher than the success detect here. Just two tests, and does not indicate the presence of disease precisely quadruple test in the baby like triple test, only it shows that higher than normal no risk of these chromosomal abnormalities in the baby, but it has despite the high risk potential baby is completely normal as well. Therefore, methods such as CVS and amniocentesis applied for a definitive diagnosis.
because it is too risky for pregnant women over 35 years old "usually" directly without the need for amniocentesis recommended quadruple test.



Triple test (triple test) is a test performed to determine chromosomal abnormalities and some congenital abnormality called neural tube defects in babies during pregnancy may be. trisomy 21 baby as the double test (Down syndrome) and trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) risk being determined, but not precisely determine the presence of this syndrome in infants. If the baby is higher if the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the triple test for accurate diagnosis CVS or amniocentesis is done. B-hCG and free estriol (UE3) is determined by measuring these risks.

Triple test, as distinct from the double test of the anomaly called the risk of neural tube defects can be identified, measured in triple test that it provides (AFP alfafötoprote) value. Neural tube defects of spinal cord injury on the baby's nervous system (to have the baby in the back-bay people) or are associated with abnormalities of brain damage.

Trisomy 21 and 18 mental retardation, heart defects and other diseases that are a multiple organ abnormalities. This is why it's called intelligence test test to this is also the baby's triple test is not a test that measures the level of intelligence.

Triple test is usually performed between 16-20 weeks of pregnancy can evaluate some labs 15-22 weeks. little is done by taking blood from the mother just as in the triple test in normal blood tests.

According to the latest triple test to determine the risk it is the same as in the two tests. (1/270 for Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome 1/100) you can read the writing duo screening for detailed information about risk limits. Triple the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in babies can be completely normal test results from high to pregnancy, CVS or amniocentesis is performed to determine the final result.

because it is too risky for pregnant women over 35 years old "usually" is directly offering amniocentesis without the need for triple test.

What is the success of the triple test?

All of pregnancy with a baby with Down's syndrome screening test triple determined can be determined only up to 70%. triple test results in about one-third of pregnancies with Down's syndrome baby does not come as a high-risk, regular income. This is due to low success to determine the triple test is not recommended for use alone.


Bilateral screening in pregnancy, the baby is a test that can be done to investigate some of the chromosomal abnormalities. According trisomy 21 babies dual test results (Down syndrome) and trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) called the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the baby investigated. These diseases are diseases with mental retardation and some organ abnormalities. This is why it's called intelligence test test to this is also double test is not a test that measures the baby's intelligence level.

between 11-14 weeks of pregnancy for the double test of blood is taken from the mother (as received in the same regular blood tests). This blood β-hCG and PAPP-A levels were measured, the mother's age and other characteristics of the formula is determined by means of computer results. This test, called a binary test. If this formula to the baby's nuchal translucency (NT) is also added to the rate becomes clearer accuracy of the results obtained, this test combined test (duo combined test) is called. So the combined test is a test conducted as a result of the combined thickness of the neck with a double test. Down syndrome screening test detected 65% of the bilateral baby it can be applied, with 85% of the combined test can be determined. Both tests can not detect all of Down syndrome babies, babies with Down syndrome in a number of high-risk pregnancies will come as a result of this test it is a normal future.

As a result of this double test for chromosomal abnormalities that can not be determined definitively whether the baby has not only higher than normal risk of these abnormalities in the baby is taken to answer the question. If the risk is high if these anomalies in the baby's normal to get a definitive answer to the question Is there a CVS or amniocentesis methods are applied.

Risk identification according to binary test results:
high risk for Down sensro my limit 1/270 in binary test results are accepted. That results; 1/270 if greater than (for example, 1/200) the risk of Down syndrome babies are higher than normal but the baby may be normal. CVS or amniocentesis should be done for a definitive diagnosis.
Binary test results, Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18) for high-risk limits 1/100 accepted. So the result 1 / 100th of the great inference (eg 1/80) the risk of Edwards syndrome in infants is higher than normal, but the baby may be normal. CVS or amniocentesis should be done for a definitive diagnosis.

Nasal bone measurement (nasal bone):
Absence of nasal bone (nasal bone absence), it is more accurate to describe, because the presence or absence of bone is evaluated. Nasal bone so there are some centers by evaluating the combined bilateral değenlendiril ultrasound test of the nasal bone. Nasal bone can not be seen on ultrasound increases the risk of trisomy. Because the nasal bone can be seen in 98% of normal fetuses between 11-14 weeks, it can not be seen only in 2%. of fetuses with trisomy 21 the nasal bone is not visible at 70%. 50% of fetuses with trisomy 18 the nasal bone is not visible. 30% of fetuses with trisomy 13 the nasal bone is not visible.



This test is called intelligence test result?
two tests performed in pregnancy, triple test is called intelligence test among the general public, such as the quadruple test to test. The original name of this test called a test of intelligence among the people are prenatal Down syndrome screening tests or screening tests. (prenatal screening tests). These tests are not tests that measure the intelligence of the baby, but the risk of chromosomal abnormalities identified in the results of these tests are the disease that is associated with mental retardation, Down syndrome (mongoloid baby, trisomy 21) as. The level of intelligence of the baby's mother is no test that evaluates directly. These tests can also be determined by intelligence tensioner chromosomal abnormalities in the baby outside has a wide variety of diseases, such as hypothyroidism. In other words, these tests are only scans a few of the diseases that can mental retardation does not scan for the others so the results of these tests normally a newborn also due to another disease mental retardation occur. So they all have normal intelligence tests results after the baby's birth does not guarantee that normal intelligence.

When intelligence tests, which are done in the week?
Of these two tests performed between 11-14 weeks of pregnancy. Triple or quadruple test is done between 16-20 weeks of testing. Dual fetus while testing the nuchal translucency (NT) is measured.

As with most test has fallibility in a certain ratio in these tests. That's a baby on the results of these tests appear normal are actually likely to be sick. Conversely, the risk of having a baby appears normal to abnormal, these tests are also available. But of course, the tests show the correct ratio is higher than the rate of false show. Therefore, methods such as amniocentesis or CVS is used to translate a conclusive result in this test. This test of the credibility of information on rates and other matters can be found through the links below.

Twins, triplets and other multiple births screening:
Twins, triplets and other multiple births double test, triple test, quad test can not be applied due to successful unable to express. Instead, the purpose of this pregnancy scan, nuchal translucency (NT) measurement is used.


in different periods from the beginning to the end of pregnancy is carried out various analyzes and tests. Even some analysis of the couples before pregnancy is expedient to do so when he decided to pregnancy. Some tests need to be done in certain weeks of pregnancy that can not be done outside of weeks so this test should be carefully monitored during pregnancy, the time should not be missed. Some of the tests routinely performed in all pregnant women during pregnancy, is when only some pregnancy tests in a number of specific conditions occur. All of these tested according to the week in which the end of the beginning of pregnancy is described below respectively.

The assays are performed in the first examination:
These tests are tests conducted in the couple's doctor first application. before pregnancy occurs in a pair of the most accurate yet decided when to seek medical pregnancy and the analysis is done at this meeting. Because according to some abnormalities can be detected in this test measures the pregnancy before it begins. However, the majority of couples after pregnancy occurred (the total delay) after being admitted to a doctor. This first appeared Umeda gynecological examination and ultrasonography of the female genital organs are evaluated. If not done in the last 1 year smear it should be performed. General systemic examination can be done and can be done in the presence of abnormalities of consultation to industry experts, if necessary. The assays are performed in the first examination:
- Complete blood count (CBC): Maternal anemia (anemia) to investigate there.
- Parents blood groups: measures to determine if blood incompatibility.
- If there is blood incompatibility IDC (indirect Coombs test)
- Complete urine examination (urine culture if necessary)
- TSH: If Mother goiter and thyroid hormone disorders can affect the baby, if detected disorders require treatment by a specialist.
- Toxoplasma IgM and IgG: Click for more details.
- Rubella IGM - IGG (rubella tests): click for more information.
- CMV IgM and IgG: Click for more details.
- Made HBsAg tests for hepatitis B and hepatitis B infection: determining if the mother has hepatitis B infection in the baby after birth to prevent needle is made antibodies to the baby.
- HCV test
- HIV (AIDS) test
- Syphilis (syphilis) test for syphilis is not required but can be done routinely.
- Fasting blood glucose for patients at risk for diabetes
- Biochemistry (cholesterol, kidney and liver tests and so forth) is not a recommended test routine during pregnancy. The advanced maternal age or some systemic diseases, if any should be made.

Between 11-14 weeks:
The nuchal translucency ultrasound examination after the 11th week of pregnancy the baby (NT) is measured and binary test (blood test) done. This analysis can be performed between 11-14 weeks, it can not be made after 14 weeks. Click for more information about this test.

Between 16-20 weeks:
This triple screening test between weeks (triple test) or quadruple test is done. If this test result came risky amniocentesis (removal of water from the baby) it can be done further investigation. Click for more information about this test.

Between 24-28 weeks:
- 50 g oral glucose (sugar water test) done between 24-28 weeks. If this test result is higher than 140 came 100 g OGTT test is performed. Click for more information about these tests. This week missed and further in the coming weeks in patients with fasting and postprandial blood glucose can be evaluated by looking at the status of susceptibility to diabetes mellitus.
- If there is blood incompatibility between parents 28 weeks IDC (indirect Coombs test) done and that test shows that the impact is negative, then due to blood incompatibility between mother and child. This case is made of needle blood incompatibility. If affected (indirect Coombs test positive if) investigated the extent to which may be affected baby with further testing. Please click here to detailed information on this subject.

routine tests are done in almost every pregnant foregoing. In some cases, during pregnancy and some diseases may require further analysis of the outside of the above assays.

Between 35-37 weeks:
This week between his Group B Streptococcus (bacteria) screening is recommended but not yet in our country is a practice more common. Please click here to detailed information on this topic.



A normal pregnancy usually between 38 and 40 weeks, resulting in childbirth. Despite the complete absence of birth 40 weeks of gestational shall be entered in the tenth month of pregnancy.

The safest method accurate recall of mothers last menstrual period and ultrasound measurements made in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is the confirmation of the date for determining the week.
A day pass is a condition in which a variety of real danger, both during the prenatal period and in the period after birth for child birth. So the days pass both mother is a condition that should be addressed carefully by the doctor as well.

problems encountered in pregnancy to pass the day include:
- Baby feeding so the baby's spouse may deteriorate due to aging baby with nutrients and oxygen leading to decreases in the rotation when the baby before birth and the baby's birth and therefore oxygenation during heart beats.
- Day of the water may cause the patient to gradually go down to press the baby's cord can disrupt the baby's nutrition and oxygen to get prune.
- The day pass before birth the baby stool can during or birth and before the birth of the first stool baby, or more often the baby was born when he got his first breath escaped into the baby's lungs can cause respiratory distress.
- Day babies may be bigger than in previous pregnancies and problems with regard to eastern accordingly.

pregnancies that go through the day should be monitored more closely because of the problems mentioned above.
Day pass follow-up of pregnant women should be made as follows:
Day 1 excessive NST (Saving the baby's heartbeat) was performed to evaluate the baby's heartbeat registration
2. considered carefully by the mother of the baby move; consult a doctor in case of reduction or absence of
Day 3 with excessive ultrasound to evaluate the baby's water and movement
4. Water arrive, such cases should be referred to hospital onset of bleeding and pain.

the day will not exceed trouble in pregnancy and birth controls mentioned above until 41 weeks pregnant women admitted to the hospital is still not realized. Birth; if it is trying to built an additional problem in the normal way or induction of labor. If the other option is a birth by cesarean birth it does not take place despite the presence of any distress or induction of labor.


NINE MONTH your pregnancy

Normal gestation period of 9 months and 10 days he known that 280 days. The ninth month of the containers and the full 40 weeks from 34-38 weeks gestation period is completed with the last 10 days. But every hebelik not wait until 40 weeks, many born around 38 weeks, sometimes also born around 41 weeks through 40 weeks.

After 36 weeks of pregnancy weekly checks begin.
This month, the baby began to enter the birth canal. Therefore, your stomach goes down. This heartburn, provides relief for your complaints such as back pain.
This month growing baby fat.

This month the birth pangs can begin at any moment. The most important feature of a true labor contractions are coming at regular intervals. At first, but then less labor pain starts from increasingly frequent. True labor pain is not relieved by rest. If convulsions if not now enter into a specific order, but to rest, you need to go to hospital. here the difference between true and false contractions can read more detail.

Engagement of the baby called light bloody discharge cervical mucus is to throw a protective plug. It usually begins within 2 days of birth without engagement.

When you bleed, you feel the baby move when it comes to water or reduction in yourself, you must contact the hospital if you notice any situation which necessarily abnormal.



30.hf the baby weighs about 1500 grams, is 25 cm long.
30.hf also start using baby diaphragmatic breathing exercises muscles.
31.hf testicles in male babies kidneys over the scrotum in the girls the infant still clitoris labium If kapatamaz.b week baby nature still need to be kept for a long time in the baby intensive care after not completed the development of lung and may require ventilator.
32.hf also felt the baby move in a relative decrease compared to the past, if you follow the movements of the baby lying on your left side when you wake up in this concern. If you feel less movement than 10 moves in 2 hours, contact your doctor, the baby is moving sudden absence is a dangerous situation, contact a health care provider immediately in such a case. It should be noted also that it remains 32.hf almost all babies born alive and their normal life span.

heart rate compared to before pregnancy increased by 20%, growing varices and compression cause of the baby's large blood vessels in the abdomen, we call spider veins, vascular pink radial extension of the views, hemorrhoids may occur. Say we have this all subside within a few weeks after birth, either completely or disappear.
These half of pregnant women with morning addition to the increase in blood flow causes the eyelids and facial swelling may occur. Increased respiratory rate and depth due to the increase in progesterone hormone known as pregnancy, it also allows you to meet the increasing demand of oxygen.
Gene hormonal reasons, would cause an increase in breast growth with an increase in blood flow and milk glands.

Womb (uterus) to prepare for labor in the muscles causes of false labor pains felt in this week. These contractions not exceed rest of the real birth pains to separate the real birth pains, increased gradually the frequency and severity, vagina, however thick discharge, bleeding or knowing that can accompany the arrival of the water is very important, because 37.hf before painful and regular contractions of preterm labor (premature birth) may indicate.

Yet due to the compression of the urethra and bladder, especially the uterus increases the intra-abdominal pressure, such as coughing, laughing-can cases of urinary incontinence, all pregnant women should be careful against the increased risk of urinary tract infection. Unusually frequent urination, burning during urination, lower abdominal or back pain that pregnant women should consult a health care provider immediately. such as urinary tract infections can damage your kidneys not to be noticed, premature birth also can provoke.

During this period, called the sudden vaginal bleeding, placenta previa, which may be one sign of the medical emergency, contact your doctor immediately if such a hemorrhage.
Most of the pregnant women seen in the abdominal skin in the upper arm, leg, pink thick lines may occur in the hip, cracks may occur. These lines of skin tension, elastic fibers in the skin called hormone cortisol are increased in pregnancy occur due to attenuation and no use of externally applied creams and oils. Sometimes they disappear after pregnancy, sometimes leaves a scar.

- Vaginal bleeding
- Contractions in the womb
- Severe or persistent headache (with the nausea, vomiting, blurred vision)
- Severe abdominal pain
- With pain, redness and swelling in the legs
- Bleeding or pain with fever
- Vomiting with pain or fever
- High fever
- Vaginal discharge coming from plenty of water
In this case, contact a healthcare provider immediately if there!



Your baby will continue to grow during this period. Especially hand will grow, to develop and use the tabs and punch will be able to recognize different parts of the body hands. Eyebrow and eyelash will begin to occur, the hair will be longer and will be more frequent. The baby is still in the red appearance, but with each passing day increases fat tissue. continue to gain weight until after the baby birth. Gradually hand and footprints begin to form. 26 week baby's weight is between 500 g 1 kg. 27 week baby will be born baby's miniature form. Small, thin and red. Lungs, liver and immune system are not yet fully developed.

Week 28 starts to open and close your eyes and sleep on a regular basis during this period and will be removed. Only this is not the form of an adult or newborn baby. 20-30 minutes sleep and wake up again. The movement of a mother and child in particular, thoroughly realized at the end of this period. Especially feel more comfortable sitting and lying down. baby's length at the end of the 28th week of about 24 cm, weighing about 1 kilogram.

28. 70% of the mother's pregnancy at the end of the week I was finished. It has grown up with my mother's womb, the umbilical between the rib cage, increased blood pressure compared to pre-pregnancy. During this period, the mother may feel palpitations. This feeling usually passes in the later weeks of pregnancy. My mother feels the baby move, especially among the most active in 27-32 weeks. During this period, mixed with labor pain increased activity. False labor pains irregular, long or short, and generally considered by the mother. True labor pain is more powerful, long-term and regular basis. This pain can be a sign of premature birth. 1 hour, more than six regulars from pain may require you to inform your doctor. Mother takes about 1 kg per week during this period.

7. There are important tests will be months:
Glucose tolerance test is applied to the mother during pregnancy may show the diabetes disease. This test is performed between 24-28 weeks. Detailed information regarding this test of oral glucose (sugar water test) you can find about.

During this period, an important test blood incompatibility test (IDC) d. If the mother is Rh (-) father Rh (+) if the test is applied at the end of this month and her mother looked toward the Rh antibodies. If the mother if the mother does not produce antibodies to Rh immunoglobulin injections (blood incompatibility needle) is made.



21 WEEKS PREGNANT: begin to swallow a portion of the liquid in the face of your baby and thus helps in the development of the digestive system. Also this week, your baby's blood cells made in the bone marrow starts.

22 WEEKS PREGNANT: the senses of taste and touch your baby starts to develop. These ultrasound is starting to test on your own as you can see or touch their fingers to absorb different parts of the body. Baby boy testicles begin to descend down through the abdomen. It is the uterus and ovaries are in place for infants and developed the vagina.

23 WEEKS PREGNANT: Your baby's lungs begin to prepare for life outside. If you were born before this week if there is no chance to study the lungs. It has also started to respiratory motion. This week, sometimes babies can be kept alive in appropriate intensive care conditions, but mostly it is seen severe disability (blindness, mental retardation ...)

24 WEEKS PREGNANT: Usually tend not stop baby upside down. balance structures in the inner ear are developed. It has about a 50% chance of survival for babies born a week.

- Blood pressure (hypertension) is lower than normal.
- Increased blood production. This is the reason the body needs iron is quite high compared to non-pregnant women.
- Your gums may bleed due to pregnancy.
- Expands increased due to respiratory chest.
- Your nipples may be small yellowish drops. It contains valuable materials for the baby immediately after birth is colostrum.
- Painless contractions in the uterus may occur occasionally. However, regular in this actual birth, gradually intensifying, and should not be confused with painful abdominal spasms in the lumbar region. If you are concerned about contraction, especially if pain becomes or is more than six hours, contact your doctor, because it may be premature birth mark!



17 WEEKS PREGNANT: This week the baby's hair and eyebrows develops, begins to sob. You begin to feel your duymasa them, especially if your second pregnancy. This brown fat balances the body temperature against temperature changes begin to occur a week after the baby is born.

PREGNANCY WEEK 18: The baby's bones begin to strengthen, legs and inner ear bones are made first ossification begins. Inner ear bones evolved together with the development of the baby's auditory nerve and the baby begins to hear voices. Your baby is your heartbeat, you can hear the sound and umbilical blood flow in your stomach. The baby develops in the womb of swallowing function and daily amount of intrauterine fluid (amniotic fluid) can swallow

19 WEEKS PREGNANT: This week is covered with a white waxy substance called vernix protects from scratching the baby's skin is cracked.
It continues to develop and the baby's kidneys begin to make urine
hearing the baby thoroughly Galis, you can hear many different voices, even your dialogue. If you talk or sing to your baby it is possible to realize your voice.
This week your baby muscles which move the development of the nervous and make voluntary muscle movement on the development of communication with the brain, for example, thumb sucking, move your head to Avoid.

PREGNANCY WEEK 20: The baby's skin thickens and well formed layers of skin. The baby's hair and nails continue to grow. Baby movements began to be felt by mothers around the 20th week.

- You're halfway through your pregnancy and your uterus is felt around the belly.
- You begin to feel the first movements of the baby, it feels like a stomach rumbling movements or movements of butterflies in the stomach, the nervous this move as the first. This move comes as a regular in the later weeks of pregnancy.
- This month the baby's growth and continues to increase the hormones that affect the development of organs.
- Your circulation system continues to expand. Your blood pressure (hypertension Sea) is lower than normal dizziness when you move to a sitting position so the position or nausea, you feel fainting.
- Continues to increase blood production in the body. This increase is mostly what we call blood serum plasma. iron increases the need for red blood cells increase in serum by less. Therefore there is a sufficient requirement for making blood daily 30 mg iron. Develop an adequate amount of iron deficiency anemia due to iron not taken, and as a result of fatigue, exhaustion and disease is seen against passivity.
- Uncomfortable in this month due to pregnancy unpleasant side effects may occur; nasal obstruction, such as the nose and gum bleeding. These changes occur due to the increased blood flow to the nose and gum.
- Depending on the effect of pregnancy hormones were progesterone in the respiratory system expands lung capacity is exchanged faster breathing and some women feel short of breath.
- Digestive system sluggish due to pregnancy hormones, depending on the growth of the uterus and this heartburn and constipation develop. These are situations that karşılşıl common during pregnancy.
- Depending on the growth of breast mammary gland growth and increases blood flow to approximately twice the size of blood vessels become more visible.
- The growth of your uterus to stand up because of your center of gravity affects the living and cause difficulty walking. In particular, there may be pain in the back and lower abdomen. especially after the sudden movements due to stresses in many ligaments that hold the uterus in place pelvic pain or cramping your style, you feel pain. In this case, although very painful
damage is not transmitting.
- Growth of the uterus and urinary tract due to relaxation of the muscle's urine flow slows and increases the risk of urinary tract infection. Urinary tract infection symptoms; dysuria, abdominal pain, fever, back pain. In such cases, this type of infection, contact your doctor will increase the risk of preterm birth.
- This month, further increases in vaginal discharge is normal, thin white discharge due to hormones. If the discharge is green or yellow, depending on the smelly and reddish itching could be due to these infections should be treated.
- Changes in the skin begins 4 months, especially with nipple, navel, armpits, genitals would Thickeners in color. There is no need to worry. It disappears after birth. But if I change occurs in newly formed or if I should contact your doctor in such cases.
- Reached 20 weeks should be approximately 4-5 kilograms.

To Contact your doctor if:
- Spotting hidden in bleeding from the long day of bleeding, severe bleeding, cramping pain accompanied by any bleeding and fever, consult a doctor immediately to lower part.
- Severe, unrelenting headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, blurred vision, severe pelvic pain, Pain in leg swelling and redness, patients with fever or bleeding accompanied by pain should immediately consult a doctor.
- Severe vomiting
- Colds, fever, abundant watery discharge coming from the vagina



Mother give birth to healthy babies to be healthy during pregnancy antenatal follow-up is provided. These controls may be determined by health problems early, timely measures can be taken, making deliveries at the right time and the best conditions are provided.

- Health care should begin within the first 3 months of pregnancy, should intensify the initial monthly checks are performed according to the last trimester check call status.
- Measurement of weight control in each month of pregnancy, blood pressure measurement, monitoring of the baby's growth is considered available if the pregnancy complaints.

- Eliminate the pressure of the uterus on the bladder it is often easier to get up and urinate complaints.
- Your baby is now starting this week starts sucking the finger
- All organs of the baby has already occurred. Since today the structure and function determined that they will start to grow in volume bodies. Finger has emerged in nails and hair and nails begin to grow. peristaltic movements in the intestines of the digestive began
- Your baby's heartbeat from this week 120-140 / min. between birth and continues to throw up at this rate.
- Nausea now begin to decline starting this week and fatigue is also reduced.

- In your abdomen may occur during this period, and especially in your right groin pain. This pain is growing uterus, uterine ligament that holds the rod, and I was especially ligament (Round ligament, round ligament) are the pain caused by the structure stretching from. Away from the uterus caused by faster growth with round tortoiseshell adapt these are very long-term pain would disappear and ligaments.
- During this period, particularly in ultrasound sex of a baby boy, but there may be some gender of the baby is often seen after 16 weeks
- Intestines are about to complete their migration into the abdomen. Liver production of bile, pancreatic insulin production begins at this gestational age.

- A significant portion of the complaint appeared in early pregnancy is lost and has to adapt to the body during pregnancy. If you still have fatigue, you should continue to rest. - Nausea and fatigue to reach the highest level of your pregnancy hormones decrease.
- Complain of constipation may occur. Fiber-rich foods should be fed from, you should postpone your toilet needs. If your constipation so you can use a variety of drugs that turn according to your doctor's recommendations.
- You may notice that your breasts from this gestational age and have further expanded the veins in your stomach. Your nipples will grow and begin to darken the color. Breast tissue is accelerating preparations for the start of breastfeeding.
- Your baby is not breathing data rate to work starting this week. Continues the development of the eyes and the ears, the neck is extended. The head of the babies survived and were followed further action from its fixed position, leaning his chin. Your baby is now on his hands and feet to move freely according to your wishes.
- Your baby's heartbeat can be heard with the help of Doppler device during this period.

- When you put your hand on your stomach like a ball in your hand, it will come with a soft mass. Here's your baby is here.
- Your baby's bone and muscle tissue begins to slightly faster growth from this gestational age. This week is very thin and transparent skin, and prominent blood vessels on the skin surface is monitored. Silky skin called lanugo hairs begin to develop from this week. These hairs 26. survive until next week.
- The pregnancy ultrasound of the testicles in male babies made in the weeks and gender can be determined with great accuracy by the appearance of the penis, but of course much further week of pregnancy, and even a baby could be born as babies of undetermined gender. On the one hand the baby's position, while the gender (female babies are known later) is all about.

- As of this week, your face and your body staining in areas exposed to the sun may start to occur. Using high protection sunscreens in the sun can prevent the formation of these spots significantly. This stain is nothing wrong with your makeup off.
- Starting this week, made especially mothers before birth may begin to feel the movements of the baby
- The total amount of blood in your veins throughout the entire pregnancy, increase by 40-50% compared to pre-pregnancy. This increase begins in the early stages of pregnancy and 16 week accelerated. Increased amount of blood that can cause symptoms such as nasal congestion and nosebleeds.
- Increased the needs of your growing baby's blood volume is important in terms of meeting. Therefore, your heart work harder.
- Neural tube defects in your baby's risk for Down syndrome and triple test makes this determination is implemented between 16-20 gestational weeks as ideal.



9 weeks' gestation: this week starts to receive the baby's body shapes. The head of the baby on ultrasound is larger than the rest of the body, hands, toes and nails, digestive system and internal genital organs begin to develop. External genital organs are not yet developed. Baby in mothers can not feel them, begun to make some small movements.

10 Weeks Pregnancy: This week the baby's vital organs develop. It takes the development of discrimination and finger nails. With the teeth begin to develop skeletal development. The eye sockets are composed, but his eyes are still closed. Brain development continues rapidly. Babies begin to produce testosterone is the male testes, as of this week, which allows the development of external genitalia.

11 WEEKS PREGNANT: baby takes its final shape with the end of the week. The very rapid growth of organ systems reach 3 times the size up to 20 weeks. Head develops the ears on both sides of the penis clitoris and external genital organs will be differentiated.

12 WEEKS PREGNANT: the baby's face will change depending on the development of jaw and nose. The development and completion of fingernails and toenails with 12 weekend 1st trimester (first three months) ends.

3.ada of the last month of pregnancy is 1.trimester. The mother during pregnancy to increased hormone (estrogen, progesterone) depending nausea, vomiting, chest tightness, headache, fatigue, increased urination, insomnia and nightmares would like differences. Nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning that usually happens at the end of 3 passes but rarely require treatment with intravenous serum stubborn cases.

Anne dizziness due to increased production of blood and the heart's pumping power can be palpitations and headache. Blood will typically corneal expansion at week 10 with an increased volume of the baby's birth and continues until next week 6.. The intraocular pressure is reduced. All eyes will be small due to their insignificant blemishes. Needless to change in contact lens wearers make trouble. It returns to normal after delivery.

Anne will grow due to the increase in estrogen and progesterone hormones and breast milk glands and nipples would be darkening of color. or pain in the breast can coordinate accuracy. Breasts felt heavier and fuller.

The uterus (womb) until week 12 remains in the pelvic bone structure and increase in size depending on the pressure on the bladder causing frequent urination. this pressure decreases with 3.ada come out of the pelvis at the end of the uterus and urinary frequency returns to normal.

Cramping in the lower abdomen and studies cruise began to be felt. Depending on the strain of the ligament of the uterus may be particularly sharp pain in sudden movements. Although this pain is irritating usually harmless.

weight of the baby, placenta tissue, amniotic fluid, the mother's increased blood volume, fluid accumulation in body tissues, depending on the mother's uterus and breast growth up to 12 weeks is about 1 kg. The real pregnancy weight gain happens in the 2nd half.

Mother to accompany the physical changes would also psychological changes. Sentimental, feeling lonely, feeling like himself would be insufficient against his wife Hisster renovation. At this stage, you need to support the mother's husband. Although most parents would constantly fall short of these feelings also reduced.

2. 3-month follow-up is done prenatally. The patient's weight and blood pressure are measured. If done in 1.takip performed a pelvic examination. If the arrival of the patient's first complete blood count, urinalysis, blood type, hepatitis (jaundice) markers, TORCH markers, thyroid function tests, if there is blood incompatibility IDC (indirect Coombs), USG is requested. (See the assays and tests in pregnancy)

- Mother bleeding part or reduce pain, cramping, fever, excessive nausea and vomiting, the situation should contact a doctor immediately if such stains.
- Dizziness, especially, severe and persistent headache accompanied by nausea and vomiting or blurred vision, severe groin network, the pain is accompanied by fever, in moderate to severe headaches that go despite receiving the drug should immediately consult a doctor.
- Painful urination, inability to urinate, constipation şiddtel mother should consult a doctor.



YOUR BABY 5-8. Development of the Week:
Your baby is growing and changing. 5-8 of your pregnancy. weeks, your baby's cells to differentiation and begin to take on specific functions. Cell differentiation of the privatization process (= differentiation) is called. Differentiation is important for the formation of different types of cells constituting the human. As a result of differentiation, the main lines of the exterior of your baby began to take shape.

5 weeks' gestation: Your baby comprising a cell stack is no longer called until this week embryo. 5. outlined since the week began to form the body structure.
The embryos are divided into three layers. All tissues and organs develop from this layer. A groove is formed on the top layer and these grooves then baby's brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, and spinal cord will develop closes to form the neural tube.

Heart and circulatory system of the middle layer is formed from the embryo. The embryo develops in the heart of the central ridge. 5. At the end of the week in both the embryo in the placenta (wife) occurs early blood components and blood vessels.
21-22 days after your baby's first heartbeat starts fertilization. However, neither you nor your doctor it is not possible to hear the heartbeat. Only heart rate movements can be monitored with ultrasound. With these changes, the circulation begins. The functioning of the circulatory system is the first organ systems.
interior layers lungs, intestines, and urinary bladder (bladder) develops. 5. On the week, the inner layer only develop these structures. Other organs will be determined after the development of these structures.
Your baby immediately after fertilization is a microscopic single-celled zygote and size. 5 weeks of your pregnancy (3 weeks after fertilization), your baby is the size of a pencil tip (about 1.5 mm)

PREGNANCY WEEK 6: 6 continues the rapid development week. Your baby is about three times the size increases. Basic facial structures begin to show. Then begin to form optic vesicles, which will turn the eyes. Also structures which are precursors of the inner ear occur. Tissue through the opening formed by the top and side of the lip face will result. neck and lower jaw, your baby will develop the folds under the lip opening.
6. week neural tube located on the back of your baby is completely off. The brain grows quickly and fills the newly formed head. It also develops special parts of the brain and becomes visible some specific neural structures (cranial nerves).
The baby in the middle of the line 40 small block of tissue which develops in your baby's connective tissue, build muscle and vertebrae. small bones in your baby's arms and legs no longer be seen.
Your pregnancy at 6 weeks (4 weeks after fertilization) baby is about 3 mm.

7 WEEKS PREGNANCY: This week your baby's placenta (wife) the link between life in the womb with the umbilical cord is clearly visible in the hold of the baby. Umbilical cord has two arteries and large veins. One that goes with your baby foods and venous oxygen-rich blood from the placenta and placenta returns to the artery. This movement takes about 30 seconds for a single blood cell.
In addition, the baby's brain gets more complicated. The formation of the brain and clearance path for the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid is important. This period is developing transparent skull and the brain's smooth surface is visible when viewed with a magnifying glass.
This week includes more ayırnt the baby's face. Mouth opening, small nostrils, ear structures and eye color can now be seen. Eye lens structure is formed. The inner ear is opened to the outside world combined middle and outer ear.
This week, your baby's arms, legs, hands and feet takes shape fingers and toes will occur after approximately one week. Arm buds, leaves the hand and forearm section. This form is similar to a small claw arm.
7 weeks of your pregnancy, your baby at about 8.5 mm.

8 WEEKS PREGNANT: Your baby's hands and toes, even if they are attached to each other, they begin to take shape. Arms and legs are longer and recognizable appearance. hands and feet shaped claws evident. Knees, elbows and wrists are clearly visible. It can even bend your knees and elbows.
This week, the eyelids begin to occur. Eyelids open the eyes of your baby is to occur. In addition, this week, upper lip, nose and ears are evident.
Digestive tract, especially the intestines, it is continuing its development. Heart and circulatory functions now shows full development. During this period, your baby's heart throws 150 times per minute (about twice as an adult).
8th week of pregnancy your baby is about 12.5 mm.

Developing Your baby is very sensitive to external factors which fertilization in the next 3-8 weeks. This period of your pregnancy 5-10. It corresponds to the week. All organs are formed in the embryo during this period and the damage OLAŞ spina bifida can cause serious birth defects like.
can harm your baby in this period include:
Teratogens: are substances that can cause physical damage to the developing baby. Such as alcohol, certain medications, drugs, drugs. These should be avoided.
Infections: viruses and bacteria in early pregnancy can cause serious harm to your baby. certain infections that patients not feel you can also put yourself in serious damage to your baby. Measles, rubella, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasma are some of these diseases. Having had this disease allows you to gain natural immunity.
RADIATION: high doses of ionizing radiation (used to treat cancer) can cause serious harm to your baby. However, low-dose radiation used in diagnostic (X-rays) does not pose a serious threat. Again, it is best to exposure to X-rays unless necessary. Just before learning about your pregnancy, do not panic if you have been exposed to X-rays. Consult your doctor.
POOR NUTRITION: to severe malnutrition can cause serious damage to the baby. In this case cell growth will not be at the expected level. Despite the early embryo is affected by the low calorie intake due to nausea and vomiting.
Daily intake of 400 micrograms of folic acid reduces the risk of spina bifida and other neural tube defects.

some changes in your body, the second month of pregnancy brings with it. Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, fatigue, insomnia, symptoms such as frequent urination are common in this month. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, affects about 70%. This distressing problem typically 5-8. It starts in 14 weeks and may continue until next week. This complaint also is a sign of a normal pregnancy. Studies show that pregnant women who experience less miscarriage of these complaints. These symptoms are known to be associated with increased hormone levels in the body.
Your body produces more blood to carry blood and oxygen to your baby. It also expands the blood vessels and the heart works faster and stronger. This change weakness can lead to fatigue and headache.
Increased estrogen and progesterone to grow breasts and expands on milk-producing glands. Nipples expands, the color darkens. As a result in chest tightness, sensitivity, fullness felt.
If this is your first pregnancy, the uterus is the size of a pear this week. Over time it will grow to move the womb the baby will get about 100 times the normal volume. The growing uterus puts pressure on your bladder, which can cause frequent urination.
During pregnancy, the cervix becomes softer. This will prepare the cervix for birth to occur is thinning and opening.

You may experience vaginal bleeding during the first 12 weeks. Statistics show that 40% of all pregnancies vaginal bleeding. However, according to statistics of pregnant women with vaginal bleeding it is seen lower at less than half.

The first two months, as soon as you know your pregnancy, you spend knowing you are pregnant, you are using the drugs for two months, with the idea that you fear harm your baby and your diet and exposure to other factors, you can worry. You can not be at the same time is a good mother and may have doubts about whether the birth withstands pain. Share your concerns with your doctor about all of this.

Hormones: Hormones are chemical messengers that many regulations related to pregnancy. Progesterone produced in the placenta after first ovary. Progesterone prevents their uterine muscle. Also vessels in the uterus wall to let the baby development olgunlaştırır.yumurtalık and placenta produce estrogen. Estrogen uterus, cervix, vagina and plays a role in breast development.

Some questions will be asked about your medical history in the first application. These:
-More information on the previous pregnancy
Menstruating scheme
-Last Units on the first day (calculated on the first day of the last menstrual gestational age.)
protection method you are using
medications you are using
As illness (sugar, hypertension, gout, asthma, allergies etc.).
-Geçiril Surgeries
-Business Your environment and lifestyle (diet, smoking, alcohol, etc.).
His family history of congenital anomalies

In addition, some laboratory tests will be done: complete blood count, blood group, RH (blood incompatibility), urinalysis, hepatitis B, vtiroid (goiter) and toxoplasma, rubella testing ... (see the analysis and tests performed in pregnancy)

Checks are carried out once a month until birth.

Please contact your doctor or nearest health institution in the following cases:
- In the form of vaginal bleeding, spotting
- Part drop
- Shot in the abdomen, convulsions, muscle cramps
- Severe headache
- Severe groin pain
- Severe nausea, vomiting
- High fever
- Burning when urinating
- Inability to pass urine
- Severe constipation


Spouses in the first month of pregnancy often seek medical attention for suspected pregnancy. as it happens in great excitement and curiosity because they are not sure of pregnancy. Therefore, it is not primarily the ultrasound examination is precisely this first month of pregnancy and pregnancy tests necessary to determine. Pregnancy is whether, if that is the most important issue in heartbeat. Alone it does not consist of heart rate around 5-6 weeks of pregnancy is very small (10-15 days after the expiry of each) can be seen. This baby does not occur in the first month, sometimes even though the pregnancy sac seen and developed this condition is common and it "free pregnancy" called. This month, parents may wonder baby's condition and health, but no pregnancy too because it is small in this period baby can not be considered much of a property outside of being alive, is not there an apology can not be understood in this period.

First pregnancy, other actions taken in the examination:
- Genetic, medical, and risk factors related to pregnancy and psychosexual determined
- Estimated date of birth is calculated
- General physical examination is performed
- If you have any health problems except mother's pregnancy evaluated its effects on pregnancy
- Laboratory tests are done: complete blood analysis, urinalysis, blood group, RH antibody screening (for blood incompatibility), thyroid tests (TSH), rubella, toxoplasma, HBs Ag test (Hepatitis B), HIV (AIDS) testing is recommended. (See the assays and tests in pregnancy)

The gestation period is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period is 280 days or 40 weeks. Estimated date of birth, date of last menstrual added 3 months, 7 days calculated by going backwards. One of the most important examination in the prenatal examination to determine gestational age, that is exactly how many weeks of pregnancy to determine that. Sometimes spouses do not know the date of last menstrual period, not even taking advantage of ultrasonic measurement in this case is determined gestational age.

Pregnancy is determined primarily urine and blood after the latest ultrasound. But precisely after the gestational sac on ultrasound can be seen as clear evidence of a pregnancy inside the uterus. Very early pregnancy (the first days of the later units) despite the pregnancy test can not be seen on ultrasound.

It changes very little taste in the mouth during the first weeks of pregnancy, the mild morning sickness. During this period, 'implantation bleeding', which can be observed very little bleeding. In addition, fatigue, excessive breast tenderness, frequent urination symptoms such as felt.

Anne provides information on the following subjects in this first examination:
- Drug use and drugs can harm the pregnancy
- Smoking and alcohol harm baby
- X-rays, etc, situations to be avoided
- Nutrition during pregnancy
- Receive paste the vitamins: Iron met all requirements except a balanced diet only. Also routine folate to prevent neural tube defects in the first months of pregnancy (0.4 mg) should be given.
- Weight gain
- Exercise
- And they should be informed in terms of problems that may be found in pregnancy.

Please contact your doctor or nearest health institution in the following cases:
- In the form of vaginal bleeding, spotting
- Part drop
- Shot in the abdomen, convulsions, muscle cramps
- Severe headache
- Severe groin pain
- Severe nausea, vomiting
- High fever
- Burning when urinating
- Inability to pass urine
- Severe constipation

WHAT DO NOT NEED TO BE Twin Pregnancy?

How the twins? What can we do to be twins? How can we increase the chance? sometimes in the form of questions come from couples planning pregnancy. Some couples like to have twins, and seek ways to increase this chance. To increase the chance of having twins or triplets pregnancy, the couple does not have any natural method. Any food has nothing to do with drink. Only if the mother's family has a higher chance of pregnancy twins twins (fraternal twins is affected by familial). It also increases the possibility of twin pregnancy progresses, the mother's age. Apart from this, the risk of IVF and drugs in the twin-triplet undergoing infertility treatment is a little bit more.

Although pregnancy is seen in an average of 80-100 twin pregnancy often vary between communities and races. Less common in for example Japanese, it is highly Nigeria.

the twin-triplet pregnancies are more common in the Who?
- Some breeds are more frequent (about 5% in Nigeria)
- Pregnancies that occur in older age (peaking at 37 years of age): At this age it is difficult to conceive than younger women but that is more than the rate of pregnancy when most thick.
- Twins increases the chance of pregnancy if the mother's family history (valid for dizygotic twins)
- It does not affect the father's family to be twins.
- Multiparity
- In countries more exposed to sunlight in summer
- Tall and overweight women
- Clomiphene citrate (about 10%) or gonadotropin therapy in pregnant women with the rest (20-30%)
- Monozygotic twins (monozygotic) twins are not affected by any chance occurred factor in markets around the world at a certain rate is fixed (1/250) is only increasing rates of IVF.

Triplet Pregnancy

Twin pregnancy of about 80 - to be in 100 pregnancies despite a triplet pregnancy are much more rare. However, in the last ten years-in twenty twin-tube baby treatment, and with the proliferation of triplet pregnancy rates have increased. Triplets (triplets) per pregnancy 6000-8000 is shown in a pregnancy.

Triplet pregnancies are often different from the 3 eggs occur, particularly in vitro fertilization (IVF) pregnancies resulting from the treatment of multiple egg transfer is the case. Spontaneous (spontaneous) consists of triplet pregnancies are also often develop from different eggs but the resulting division of a single egg is also possible (as in identical twins).

Although ultrasound monitoring of triplets in the beginning of the pregnancy later in twin pregnancies result in the elimination of some of the gestational sac can transform even singleton pregnancy. Especially one in the form of a gestational sac in the first two months of pregnancy may disappear spontaneously or both.

Triplet pregnancies carry a higher risk of a twin pregnancy complications than pregnancy. Premature birth (preterm), diabetes, anemia, amniotic fluid abnormalities, high blood pressure, preeclampsia, eclampsia (pregnancy poisoning), cervical insufficiency, birth, excessive bleeding, placenta previa, placental abruption, risks such as cesarean requirement higher than the twins in triplet pregnancies pregnancy respectively.

How birth in triplet pregnancies?
Especially as the previous baby come straight (which came with the head), most cases require a cesarean birth of a normal pregnancy, although it is possible triplets. The gestation period is 40 weeks as singleton pregnancies can not be found, most often occurs around 32-34 weeks of birth.

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